1 in 4 American Girls Experience Some Form of Abuse

1 in 4 American Girls Experience Some Form of Abuse 1280 853 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

In the busy weeks and months ahead, with school back in session and other autumn/winter activities set to resume, many thousands of Minnesota adults will be re-engaging with children in various settings. It is important for those adults to be watchful and attentive, perhaps especially toward youngsters who are quiet or withdrawn and easy to overlook.   

A tragic number of children in our communities are suffering, or are at risk of suffering, neglect or abuse.  The National Children’s Alliance reports that 1 in every 4 girls in America and 1 in every 13 boys experience some form of abuse. Their main hope is that some caring person will notice warning signs and take action that will bring help to such children and their families.  

Minnesota state law requires “mandatory reporters” — educators, medical personnel, social workers, clergy, etc. – to notify authorities if they suspect a child may be being mistreated.  But anyone who has reason to believe a child is being abused or neglected is “encouraged to report,” according to the Minnesota Department of Human Services. The agency adds on its website that such reports are “confidential and your name cannot be released to the family except by a court order.” 

According to guidelines from the Mayo Clinic, warning signs of abuse or neglect may include: 

  • Significant changes in a child’s behavior: withdrawal, aggression, fearfulness, sleeplessness, anger. 
  • Injuries (bruising, burns, broken bones) that have no convincing explanation. 
  • Surprising or inappropriate sexual conduct or language. 
  • Poor hygiene, unaddressed medical or dental issues, hoarding or stealing food. 

If you believe a child is being hurt or neglected, contact your county or tribal child protection agency, or the police (particularly if you believe the child may be at immediate risk of harm) or the child’s health care provider. For information and assistance, call or text the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-422-4453 or the Minnesota Department of Human Services at 651-431-4661.  


MAYO guidelines

NCA stats

County/Tribal CHIPS contact info

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