Just released is Minnesota’s Child Maltreatment Report, summarizing data from 2022.
Safe Passage continues to be alarmed by the prevalence of child abuse and maltreatment in a state that strives to “make Minnesota the best state in the country for kids.”
- 76,000 calls were made (mostly by mandated reporters) to local social service agencies. That’s around 200 calls per day.
- 60 percent of all calls received were screened out; only 40 percent were screened in.
- 5,000 children were determined to be victims of maltreatment
- 31 children were killed and 33 children suffered life-threatening injuries determined from maltreatment. About half of those killed had a history with child protection.
Some of the children killed include 4-year-old Quadrillion Lee Estella Lee, who was drown by his mother, and 17-month-old Jamari Hne, who was repeatedly assaulted and burned by hot water. Read more about some of the children who have died since 2022 here.
Racial disparities persist with a higher proportion of Black and American Indian children continuing to be reported. There should be no difference in the way children are screened in or out based on the color of their skin.
Safe Passage is committed to keeping all children safe. We will continue to advocate for system-wide improvements that better protect thousands of children at risk of abuse and neglect.