A Just Future for Black Children

A Just Future for Black Children 2560 1707 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

One of the most heartbreaking aspects of George Floyd’s murder was knowing that his daughter Gianna would grow up without a father.

This reminded us of the many Black children  who also grow up without fathers due not only to police brutality, but also to multiple other ways that racially biased institutions cut Black lives short, including unequal access to health care, and the grind of working multiple jobs for wages that amount to economic slavery.

So many times in America we thought we had turned the corner towards a racially just society, only to make minimal progress or lose ground.

This time feels different.  Perhaps now finally we can be a whole people working together to transform our institutions, so Black parents don’t live in fear for themselves and their families, and their children have all the wonderful opportunities they deserve.

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