A Pattern in Foster Care Murders?

A Pattern in Foster Care Murders? 2560 1709 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Minnesota media reported 17 children killed in Minnesota by maltreatment over the past 18 months.

We will explore questions raised by these murders in coming weeks, including that 13 were known to child protection or other authorities.

What stood out most however is that nearly one-third of the killings were by foster or adoptive parents or guardians.

These also were the most gruesome cases.  All involved torture, none of the others did.

Good foster parents aren’t getting promised support services, and are told to “stay in their lane” when they offer insights about the children they care for 24/7.  Meanwhile, more problem homes may be entering the system.

The overall pattern is neglect of a core resource.  Screening, training, support, and monitoring of out-of-home placements need a major upgrade.

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