Andrew Campbell’s Holistic View of Family Violence

Andrew Campbell’s Holistic View of Family Violence 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

On October 14th Andrew Campbell will discuss his cross-disciplinary approach to family violence in the second of our 3-part series on COVID-19.  (See below).

There is already a known correlation between domestic violence and child abuse, as this NIMH study documents.  Campbell adds animal abuse to his analysis, which generates some interesting and actionable insights.

For example, he overlays maps of animal control hotspots with domestic violence calls to show that surges in animal abuse are followed by surges in domestic abuse after a predictable time lag.  He concludes that animal control agents are uniquely positioned to detect domestic and child abuse much earlier, and calls for professionals in child welfare, domestic violence, and animal control to work more closely together.

Register below for the first in our COVID-19 webinar series next Wednesday September 30th.

Join our webinar series on the impact of COVID-19 on victims of child abuse and neglect, sponsored by MVP Marketing + Design, a full-service digital agency. 

Wednesday September 30, 2:30 – 3:45 PM: Marie Cohen, creator of the blog Child Welfare Monitor, will share her survey of creative approaches being used by states to identify hidden victims of child maltreatment.
Register here.  Read this blog for a brief introduction to Marie’s survey. 

Wednesday October 14th, 2:30 – 4:00 PM.  Andrew Campbell, noted family violence expert, will discuss the impact of COVID-19 on child maltreatment and original ideas for addressing it. Registration will open On Thursday October 1st.

Wednesday November 11, 2:30 – 3:45 PM.  Victor Vieth from the Zero Abuse Project will present 25 Tips to Overcome Child Safety Risks caused by the coronavirus. Registration will open on Thursday October 15th.

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