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Safe Passage Staff

Woman spanking a young boy

Physical Punishment Widely Supported Despite Research on Ill Effects

Physical Punishment Widely Supported Despite Research on Ill Effects 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Prevent Child Abuse America just released this survey documenting widespread support for physical punishment of…

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Boy looking away from father

Face Facts: We Identify with Parents Not Children

Face Facts: We Identify with Parents Not Children 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Advocating for children is simple in the abstract. But when individuals learn that friends have…

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Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) Gets Community-Wide Results

Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) Gets Community-Wide Results 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

The Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ), is a federally-designated Promise Neighborhood focused on closing the achievement…

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Computer in a dark office

Nicholas Kristof is the only national columnist reporting on child abuse

Nicholas Kristof is the only national columnist reporting on child abuse 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Nicholas Kristoff (@NickKristof) deserves our readership. He recently published an update to his December article…

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Paper dolls holding hands

Support for Adult Survivors of Child Abuse

Support for Adult Survivors of Child Abuse 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Some of our volunteers have encouraged us to help them form support groups for adult…

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Mixed race group of children smiling in classroom

How The Innocent Classroom Could Work in Child Welfare

How The Innocent Classroom Could Work in Child Welfare 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Alexs Pate is a Minnesota-based best-selling novelist who created The Innocent Classroom, a series of…

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Girl walking away

Confirmation Bias Explains Why Minnesota Persists with Practices that Harm Children

Confirmation Bias Explains Why Minnesota Persists with Practices that Harm Children 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

In last week’s webinar, Kathryn Piper discussed her analysis of 50 research papers and evaluations…

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Person watching the sun set

Legislation Reforms on Police but not Child Welfare

Legislation Reforms on Police but not Child Welfare 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Since the murder of George Floyd 30 states have passed over 140 laws aimed at…

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Daunte Wright

Daunte Wright

Daunte Wright 1600 900 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Daunte Wright’s killing has filled us with anger, grief, and sadness that many of us…

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Several young adult students carrying books between classes

Bill Brings Higher Education Within Reach for Foster Youth

Bill Brings Higher Education Within Reach for Foster Youth 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

The Fostering Higher Education Act, SF 1306/HF 1802, sponsored by Foster Advocates, will offer “fosters”…

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