We Can Do Better 750 500 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

We Can Do Better

The Minnesota House and Senate released their education and human services bills this week. Our…

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Opening Budget Gambit? 2560 1707 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Opening Budget Gambit?

The Minnesota legislature recently announced its maximum budget targets for the 2018-2019 biennium. The House proposed a…

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Volunteers’ Impact at Legislature 750 529 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Volunteers’ Impact at Legislature

Safe Passage for Children’s recent Day on the Hill was energizing and productive! Our volunteers…

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Decision Time on Child Deaths 576 480 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Decision Time on Child Deaths

This year local media have covered five child murders and one near-fatality at various stages…

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Stand up for the Media 286 176 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Stand up for the Media

Stand up for the Media Recent accusations of media bias compel us to point out…

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