Children are the Last Human Property

Children are the Last Human Property 750 491 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

In Sapiens, Yuval Harari traces human evolution since homo sapiens vanquished other human species 13,000 years ago.  He says the “arrow of history” has progressed towards common norms and structures around finance, science – and human rights.

For example he notes that slavery was largely abolished by the mid-1800s, and in most societies women stopped being their husbands’ property 100 years ago.Children however are still treated as their parents’ property, despite having the same legal rights to physical protection as adults. For example:

  • Maltreated children don’t have meaningful legal representation

  • This survey shows most adults wouldn’t protest a public assault on a child

  • Parent advocacy organizations have sidetracked child protection reforms by asserting a constitutional right to control their children

The arrow of history needs to catch up with children.

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