Children Suffer when Concerns are Silenced

Children Suffer when Concerns are Silenced 1872 1552 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Child abuse occurs in families of all demographics.

Earlier this week, the mayor of Atlantic City and his wife were charged with abusing their teenage daughter. Mayor Marty Small is accused of striking his daughter in the head with a broom until she lost consciousness. He is also accused of punching her, grabbing her head and throwing her to the ground.

His wife, La’Quetta Small, is Atlantic City’s superintendent of schools. She is accused of punching her daughter, dragging her by the hair and striking her with a belt, leaving marks on her shoulders.

The alleged abuse occurred while the girl was 15 and 16 years old.

Unfortunately, the school principal, who happened to be a friend of the family, failed to notify authorities after concerns of abuse were brought forth.

We believe child safety should always be the priority. Period.

One of the bills we’re supporting would penalize organizations, such as schools or doctor’s offices, when employees are discouraged from contacting CPS.

Rep. Nash, the author of HF4793, was subject to abuse himself as a child. He was hospitalized eight times as a boy. One of his teachers noticed visible injuries and expressed concerns to his principal, who did nothing.

A column published in the Star Tribune this morning does an excellent job highlighting Rep. Nash’s story and his efforts to protect children. Read it here

Indeed, the safety of any community begins with the safety of its children. Let’s do everything we can to protect them.

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Joan Najbar

Thank you Safe Passage for your dedication to addressing Child abuse in our state and nation. I am a Mental Health Professional and a survivor of child abuse ..I continue to be concerned about the level of violence in our culture and hate speech. It is important to call out abuse, racism and misogyny. I value the work Safe Passage does to address child abuse .

Bridget Sturtevant

Can’t imagine any salvation for people who do these awful misdeeds to children!

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