Do We Need Journalists to Reform Child Welfare?

Do We Need Journalists to Reform Child Welfare? 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota
reporters at an event

Good journalists deliver objective reports that we can rely on.  They quickly grasp topics that others have worked on for years to assemble fact-based, informative stories.

This week for example Star Tribune editorial page writer D.J. Tice reminded us that many of the reforms recommended by the 2015 Governor’s Child Protection Task Force have been rejected by Minnesota child welfare managers, but pointed hopefully to the recent state Supreme Court ruling on the Eric Dean case, which finally placed some limits on risky practices by caseworkers and counties.

Previously, KSTP reporter Eric Rasmussen and former Trib/current KARE 11 reporter Brandon Stahl helped maintain public awareness that children are being killed by overly parent-centered child protection practices.

Without these journalists child welfare reform would have disappeared as a public policy issue.  We appreciate their work, and they deserve our support.

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