Watch Webinar: Jane Kretzmann of Elders for Infants

Recorded Webinar


June 14, 2021




Jane Kretzmann

Safe, stable, stimulating, and loving interactions between an infant and a parent or caregiver promotes optimal brain and body development in the first three years of a child’s life. The purpose of Elders for Infants is to make babies and their families visible ~ beginning prenatally ~ with a focus on equity.

Elders are a small group of retired professionals from multiple fields, including child care, fatherhood, mental health, parent education, home visiting, and health care. They sponsor quarterly Prenatal to 3 Policy Forums with Rep. Dave Pinto and Rep. Lisa Demuth and the University of Saint Thomas. They participate in a variety of advocacy and system change efforts dedicated to raising the importance of prenatal to three in the context of health and social policy.

Our presenter, Jane Kretzmann, was a Senior Fellow and Director of the Project for Babies at the University of Minnesota Center for Early Education and Development (CEED), and a Senior Program Officer for both the Bush and the St. Paul and Minnesota Community Foundations. Prior to that, Jane worked in refugee resettlement, including a decade as Minnesota’s State Refugee Coordinator.

This webinar was free and everyone was invited to participate.

Jane also recommended this video to us for further information.


Jane Kretzmann

Jane Kretzmann

Jane Kretzmann was a Senior Fellow and Director of the Project for Babies at the University of Minnesota Center for Early Education and Development (CEED), and a Senior Program Officer for both the Bush and the St. Paul and Minnesota Community Foundations. Prior to that, Jane worked in refugee resettlement, including a decade as Minnesota’s State Refugee Coordinator.

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