Great Start for Children – Top Priority Bill for 2019

Great Start for Children – Top Priority Bill for 2019 2560 1440 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Safe Passage for Children will support several bills during the 2019 Minnesota legislative session, starting with the Great Start for Minnesota Children Act, House File (HF) 1.

HF 1 has potentially the most far-reaching impact for children of any 2019 legislation.  It greatly expands services proven to reduce child maltreatment, hence the number of families who get into child protection.  It includes:

  • $5 million to reduce racial disparities in prenatal care
  • $56.6 million by 2022 to expand home visiting services, including a 25% set-aside for communities that evidence-based programs aren’t reaching
  • Making early learning scholarships available to all financially eligible children – and prioritizing the critical developmental ages of birth to three

We will be asking our Advocates and Friends to support this bill with emails and visits to their legislators.

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