Gubernatorial Candidates Respond to Safe Passage Survey

Gubernatorial Candidates Respond to Safe Passage Survey 2560 1703 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

This is likely the only time in eight years we can get Minnesota gubernatorial candidates on the record to support improvements to child welfare before they are elected.

Leading candidates completed a survey we sent on child protection and foster care issues. See their responses here.

Among Republicans, Jeff Johnson has promised to respond shortly.  Watch our website for his positions.

We can’t find any way to reach Tim Pawlenty’s campaign – if you have a contact there please connect us!

DFL candidates Tim Walz and Erin Murphy both supported increasing funds, improving practices and tackling racial disparities.  Lori Swanson, who announced recently, hasn’t replied yet.

Before November we must secure candidates’ commitment to make child welfare a priority by attending public forums and communicating through emails and social media!

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