Guest Blogger Judy Schumacher on Early Childhood Education and Child Welfare

Guest Blogger Judy Schumacher on Early Childhood Education and Child Welfare 400 225 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

This nation is currently in the process of a social reckoning, a much deeper look at America’s foundation, her social and political systems and her very soul.

Among the major inequities in our nation is the grossly inadequate funding of early childhood health and education, specifically for ages birth to five, when children’s brains are at the peak of growth and development.  Nowhere are these inequities more apparent than in the child abuse and foster care systems.

Decades of studies consistently show that providing high quality education, focused on social, emotional, cognitive and physical components, can greatly strengthen a child’s capacity to mature into a fully functioning, self-confident adult. Lessons learned in the earliest years permanently shape the development, behaviors and very character of the child.

As we seek to address the devastating impact of child abuse and neglect, our first step must be prevention, through adequate early childhood health and education funding.

Judy is a member of the Safe Passage for Children Board of Directors and an expert in early childhood development.  She is the author or “The Terrific Toddler’s”, a  practical hands-on guide for parents of toddlers.  It can be purchased at  

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