Hearing Next Tuesday on Critical Child Safety Legislation

Hearing Next Tuesday on Critical Child Safety Legislation 2560 1440 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Next Tuesday the Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Committee will consider Senate File 3692/House File 4385 (bill summary here).

This bill will require counties to end practices that are unsafe for children, including interviewing them in the presence of their alleged abusers, and giving parents advance notice of the initial child protection visit.

Please join us at this hearing to support this bill.  For directions and to let us know you’re coming email stephanie@safepassagemn.org.

The group that developed this bill includes former Governor’s Child Protection Task Force members, retired state Senators and Juvenile Court judges, and Safe Passage for Children.

These letters of support from child welfare experts Victor Vieth and Kathryn Piper describe why the practices that the bill will end are unsafe and inconsistent with national trends.

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