Recently we asked the Department of Human Services to share the number of child fatalities that occurred in 2022 and 2023 due to maltreatment. They informed us that 26 children were killed as a result of maltreatment between June 1, 2022 and May 31, 2023, though they noted that this number may be higher because they do not count a fatality until the investigation is complete.
Essentially, one child was killed every two weeks.
In our latest “Child Fatalities from Maltreatment report,” we reviewed cases involving 21 children from 2022 to 2023. Here are just a few things we discovered:
- Almost half the deaths were caused by fentanyl poisoning
- 7 out of 21 cases were previously involved with child protection
- Infants and toddlers made up the majority of deaths
- Half the cases involved caregivers with a history of domestic violence
- Racial disparities persist, especially for Black children, who make up 8 percent of the state population but accounted for 29 percent of the fatalities
Looking back, there were red flags that were ignored. There were cracks in the system designed to keep children safe. There are lessons to be learned.
Thanks to the generous support of a major donor, we are printing a copy of this report for each legislator. We plan to reference it when we talk with legislators and policy makers this year as they make decisions about how to best protect children from harm.
The increased emphasis on keeping children in their home or getting them home as soon as possible has resulted in CP workers avoiding or overlooking inconvenient facts or circumstances. There were 3 different CP workers in one year on my last case. They are hired and transfer out as soon as possible. I was a Guardian ad Litem for over 20 years.
Thank you for your comment, Mary Ann. We couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately, we hear this same comment all too frequently. You have valuable insight into the system.
If you’re interested in potentially joining our efforts at the Capitol this year, on the Board, or in any other way, let us know. We appreciate your support and invite you to reach out any time.