How Can Counties Protect Children During the Coronavirus?

How Can Counties Protect Children During the Coronavirus? 750 629 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

The coronavirus is challenging counties to balance family and worker safety during child protection visits.

Our thanks to Ramsey County for sharing these recommendations to workers.  It illustrates that there are no easy answers.  Hennepin and Dakota counties indicated they are issuing similar advice.

Notably absent is references to guidance from the Department of Human Services.  DHS should be establishing consistent practices statewide and giving counties state backing for their protocols.  State-level leadership is also needed to procure Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for workers.

Ramsey County has rightly identified child safety as its top priority, especially since abuse increases during economic downturns, yet there are fewer adults to notice problems while children are isolated.  But overall, the path forward when a child protection visit is needed is still mostly uncharted.

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