How Did Family Assessment Go Off Track?

How Did Family Assessment Go Off Track? 2560 1613 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Our biweekly webinar series will explore the child protection track called Family Assessment (FA), starting with an “Introduction to FA” on May 27th.   Following this, on June 10th, three national experts will explore recent research and developments among states.

Family Assessment builds on parents’ strengths rather than focusing on deficits.  The goal is to keep children safely with their families whenever possible.  But, as this chapter of the Child Welfare League of American Field Guide cautions, practices can shift so much towards empathizing with parents that children aren’t safe.

In our view, this promising initiative veered off track when policy makers began using FA as an inappropriate and largely ineffective vehicle to address societal injustices, instead of focusing on children.

For a more complete analysis, join us for these webinars!

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