If You See Something, Say Nothing

If You See Something, Say Nothing 630 461 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

This Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children survey found that if a parent is seen excessively physically punishing their child, only about 20% of adults are “very likely” to speak to them or report the situation to child protection, and just 36% would call police.

Yet we suspect most people who witness an assault on an adult would at least call 911.

Why do we treat children differently?

Partly, it’s just difficult, as these New York Times tips for such encounters show.

Mainly though, it’s because society considers child suffering less important than parents’ rights.

Attitudes can change.  People are starting to ask strangers to wear masks in public places.  We need a similar change for child abuse, so when people see something, they no longer say nothing.

Have you witnessed a public instance of child abuse?  How did you feel?  How did bystanders react? Please share your story. 

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