Infants and Toddlers at Highest Risk for Abuse

Infants and Toddlers at Highest Risk for Abuse 1280 853 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Although most child abuse victims are abused by their parents, sometimes the perpetrator is a teacher, friend or other trusted adult.

Earlier this week, two daycare workers in Blaine were charged with felonies after being caught on camera violently flipping and slamming three infants, causing multiple bruises.

Rep. Nolan West, R-Blaine, said his baby was enrolled at the center and was one of the victims. Outraged, he is planning to introduce legislation next year to keep children at daycare centers safer.

Meanwhile, the daycare center’s license remains active. 

Young children are at highest risk for abuse – whether at a child care center or in a home. In fact, nearly a third of child abuse victims are less than 2 years old. 

Everyone should be familiar with signs of child abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, etc.) Bruises and fractures in infants are extremely suspicious. 

We plan to reach out to Rep. Nolan West to let him know we will support him in whatever ways we can to keep children safe at home, school and in the community. No child deserves to be harmed.

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