Judges and Caseworkers Would Use Good Information

Judges and Caseworkers Would Use Good Information 2560 1707 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Most judges and social workers would figure out how to get better outcomes for children if they had more relevant, actionable information.

One currently available measure that they should get feedback on is how many times children are re-abused after coming to the attention of the courts.

New metrics could also be developed such as:

  • Whether parenting skills training:
    • Improved parents’ understanding of child development
    • Changed their attitudes towards harsh physical punishment
  • If children’s trauma decreased
  • Whether children:
    • Feel safer in their homes
    • Believe someone in their life cares about them
    • Believe that workers are listening and taking their concerns seriously
    • Are more hopeful about the future

Given the chance, child welfare professionals would employ indicators like these to get better results for children.

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