Let’s Protect Children and their Freedom

Let’s Protect Children and their Freedom 1280 853 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

The Declaration of Independence states that all people are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

Children are no exception.

Every child deserves to be protected. Every child deserves to be free from abuse. Every child deserves to play and be happy.

Recently we submitted four pages of safety recommendations to the Minnesota Supreme Court, which is overseeing a new Council on Child Protection and Maltreatment Prevention.

We are committed to advocating for all children who can’t speak for themselves. Consider how you can help. Reach out to learn how you can be an advocate or donate online today.

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Teresa D

Absolutely agree with the article. First I would like to know who has been appointed to this new council.
When it comes to our children, we have to do so much better. Many parents can be abuse survivors and if they don’t get help or educate themselves, (that they can do better for their children, than what was done to them) the cycle only continues, until we have children injured so badly that we see the end result is a child’s death, which is beyond sad. It is painful, horrific, and most importantly, preventable, if we adults do what is the necessary work to make it preventable. Reporting (can be anonymous)what we see or what we know to proper authority (authorities?) There is nothing wrong with having a checks and balances system in place, remember we are talking about our children. Education of abuse, there are many forms, perhaps everyone in our governing system going through that training. Training for all that are wanting to be participants, to know how to properly intervene, if in a situation where it warrants immediate action for a child’s safety. Perhaps parent association groups for the education and safety of children in their local area, groups in schools, churches, etc. We are the adults there is so much we can do. Our children being abused so badly that their little bodies can’t handle it, and they pass away, is not ever acceptable. We need an arsenal of protection for them. We also need loving adults for them when they need temporary safe homes and in some cases maybe becoming permanent homes.
All our children deserve love, safety, and protection!

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