Mixed Results in Legislative Session – Your Help is Needed!

Mixed Results in Legislative Session – Your Help is Needed! 1000 525 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

With ten days to go, the 2019 Minnesota legislative session has produced mixed results for child welfare related programs.

Currently, the House budgets in various Conference Committees include infrastructure increases for the biennium of $4.2 million for the Child Welfare Training Academy, $10.9 million for guardians ad litem, and $31 million for Public Defenders.  For prevention and early intervention programs, the House adds $19 million for early learning scholarships but only $900K for Targeted Home Visiting.

The Senate offers no funding for these items.

These numbers can change dramatically, but the result so far is solid backing from the House for child welfare operations and some increases for prevention/early intervention services, while the Senate has supported nothing.

Click Here to help vulnerable Minnesota children by urging your Representative and Senator to support these proposals.

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