More Reasons to Reopen Schools

More Reasons to Reopen Schools 1220 686 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

It may seem odd for an organization dedicated to child safety to advocate for reopening schools amid the worst surge of the coronavirus pandemic

But experts such as Minnesota-based epidemiologist Michael Osterholm say that children under ten can be taught safely in-person if districts adopt strict safety measures.

Europe has flattened the coronavirus curve while keeping schools open.  New York City – where health authorities say that elementary schools are the safest place to be – is following suit.

Also, the American Academy of Pediatrics is urging school districts to carefully reopen schools to address:

  • Lost opportunities to develop social and emotional skills

  • Hunger for millions of children who are missing school meals

  • Worsening racial disparities caused by unequal access to technologies

  • Maltreated children who aren’t reported to child protection because teachers aren’t seeing them

Minnesota should consider a similar policy shift.

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