October 8 Legislative Breakfast and Fundraiser

October 8 Legislative Breakfast and Fundraiser 1494 962 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

This past week, Safe Passage for Children met with two legislators who are interested in teaming up to protect children from abuse and neglect.  

Representative Nolan West (R-Blaine) is advocating for stronger policies in daycares following confirmed abuse of his infant daughter.

Representative Jim Nash (R-Waconia), a child abuse survivor himself, recently authored legislation providing additional protection for mandated reporters.

Legislators are listening and agreeing with the need to better protect children from abuse and neglect. We invite you to hear more…please join us next month! 

Legislative Breakfast and Fundraiser
Tuesday, October 8 at 8 a.m.
University of St. Thomas. 

In addition to hearing more about our 2024 legislative successes and 2025 goals, we will honor and hear from Rep. Jim Nash, who experienced child abuse as a boy and is now on a mission to prevent other children from being harmed. We will also be honoring and hearing from Rep. Kelly Moller for her work to pass legislation in this area. Following the breakfast, there will be an optional 1-hour education session for anyone interested in learning more about team approaches to protecting children. 

The breakfast itself is free! There will be an ask for donations to support our work at the end of the breakfast. (The continuing education program is also free if you choose to stay for that.)

Register now at https://safepassageforchildren.org/events/2024-annual-fall-fundraiser-breakfast/ 

And if you can’t make it, you can always donate online at https://safepassageforchildren.org/donate/  (Other ways to donate include gifts of stock, donor advised funds and IRA distributions.)

We hope to pack the room with child advocates like yourself! Register now! 
Our work for vulnerable children is possible
through support from readers & listeners like you. Thank you.
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