Other States Get Creative to Identify Invisible Children

Other States Get Creative to Identify Invisible Children 2560 1707 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

The Child Welfare Monitor just compiled this inventory of various states’ initiatives to identify the many child abuse victims who not being reported due to the pandemic.  They include:

  • Raising awareness of the issue through public relations campaigns

  • Encouraging the public to report abuse

  • Educating non-traditional reporters such as delivery workers, garbage collectors and animal control officers about warning signs of maltreatment and how to report it

  • Redeploying idled hotline workers to do outreach

Minnesota should be emulating good ideas from other states.

One of them might have saved Autumn Hallow’s life.

Email Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan here or call 651-201-3400 with this message:

An estimated 50% of maltreated children aren’t being identified because mandated reporters aren’t seeing them.  Other states are addressing this issue as part of their COVID-19 plan.  We urge you to do the same.

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