Protect Children As Well As Adults

Protect Children As Well As Adults 750 543 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Thankfully, two recent Star Tribune investigations prompted authorities to move quickly to improve protections for victims of rape and sexual assault, and for victims of mistreatment in assisted living settings.

The Minnesota Police Officer Standards and Training Board recommended new protocols for the state’s 430 local law enforcement agencies.  Now legislation is being proposed to make these standards mandatory.

Similarly, the Department of Health is preparing a bill to start licensing assisted-living settings.

These responses show commendable leadership from state officials.  However, as this Department of Human Services report (DHS) shows, many child safety recommendations made 4 years ago by the Governor’s Child Protection Task Force have either been rejected by DHS or remain in limbo.

Adult advocates must persist in being voices for children – until they are protected too.

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