Register Now: October 8 Legislative Breakfast and Fundraiser

Register Now: October 8 Legislative Breakfast and Fundraiser 1280 855 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

“It takes a Team: Strengthening Minnesota’s Child Protection System”

According to the latest data from the state, 31 children were killed and 33 suffered life-threatening injuries from maltreatment in Minnesota in 2022. More have died since then. And thousands more have suffered emotional and physical scars.

Learn how Safe Passage has teamed up with legislators and other organizations to advocate for stronger and safer policies to protect our state’s most vulnerable children. Hear about the opportunities you have to partner with us in this important work.

During the breakfast, we will highlight legislative successes from 2024 and goals for 2025. We will also be presenting awards to Representatives Jim Nash and Kelly Moller for their bi-partisan work this past session to keep children safe. Following the breakfast, there will be a focused educational forum for anyone interested in learning more about team approaches to protecting children.

As you know, there’s power in numbers. It takes a team to drive meaningful change. We want to fill the room with people who are committed to protecting children!

The breakfast and educational forum are free. Donations are welcome and appreciated.

We hope you’ll join us for this important event!

2024 Legislative Breakfast and Fundraiser
Tuesday, October 8 at 8 a.m. (registration opens at 7:30 a.m.)
University of St. Thomas in St. Paul

Our work for vulnerable children is possible
through support from readers & listeners like you. Thank you.
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