Repeating Myths Until they Become Facts

Repeating Myths Until they Become Facts 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota
child sitting alone in the dark

This week we interviewed Child Welfare Monitor blogger Marie Cohen for a combined webinar/podcast.

The Monitor makes child welfare research accessible to those not in the business.  In the process it has challenged many child welfare myths that, despite having no empirical basis, are widely accepted as fact simply because they have been repeated so often.  

For example Cohen’s analysis of a scholarly article by Barth et. al., helps us understand 10 common child welfare misconceptions, such as that caseworkers aren’t capable of distinguishing poverty from neglect, and that children are harmed by foster care. (See our podcast for more details).

Sadly, turning unreality into reality doesn’t characterize just one part of the political spectrum. If we hope to base child welfare policy on actual facts, we need journalists like Cohen to help us navigate through the fog of untested assumptions.

Listen to this week’s podcast interview of Marie Cohen here or wherever you hear your favorite podcast shows. In your podcast app just search for “Safe Passage for Children” to find our show.

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