Governor Tim Walz’ Supplemental Budget Proposal dedicates some of the state’s $7.7B surplus to substantial and well-targeted funding for children’s services. See this this Star Tribune article for a description of the leading budget issues at the 2022 state legislative session.
Of special interest to child advocates, Walz included $225 million for Early Learning Scholarships focused not on pre-K as in past years, but on children birth to 3. This will provide safety and stimulation needed for healthy brain development to hundreds of vulnerable children during the crucial first 1,000 days of life.
Walz also proposed $900 million to fully fund Basic Sliding Fee Child Care, which will aid social/emotional development for thousands more children.
Early learning and child care programs actually reduce child maltreatment, so families don’t ever need child welfare services. That’s the best kind of child protection.
For an insider’s view of the just-started Minnesota legislative session watch this week’s webinar presented by lobbyists Kirsten Christopherson, Michael Mollner and Tom Hesse from Christopherson Advocates.