Child Welfare Monitor

child pointing at blackboard reading a book

Brilliant People Are Making Bad Policy – Let’s Change the Approach

Brilliant People Are Making Bad Policy – Let’s Change the Approach 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

The brilliant policy wonks behind the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) came from organizations…

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people listening to speech

National Attention for Safe Passage Report! In Minnesota? Not So Much.

National Attention for Safe Passage Report! In Minnesota? Not So Much. 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

In response to the Safe Passage report on Minnesota child fatalities we were recently interviewed…

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confused child

Federal Government Announces Decrease in Child Maltreatment. Is it too Soon to Celebrate?

Federal Government Announces Decrease in Child Maltreatment. Is it too Soon to Celebrate? 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

The federal Children’s Bureau recently released its 2021 Maltreatment Report and announced without reservation that…

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girl holding woman's hand

The Dominant Narrative Needs More Balance

The Dominant Narrative Needs More Balance 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

The Child Welfare Monitor’s review of David Ambroz’ autobiography explores the dominant narrative that child…

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girl looking up stairs

Why is Chronic Maltreatment Pervasive Yet Rarely Addressed?

Why is Chronic Maltreatment Pervasive Yet Rarely Addressed? 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

These blogs in Marie Cohen’s Child Welfare Monitor and Dee Wilson’s Sounding Board explore chronic…

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empty child's swing

Fatality Fatigue: Why Do We No Longer React to Child Murders?

Fatality Fatigue: Why Do We No Longer React to Child Murders? 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

The 2014 murder of Eric Dean by his stepmother spurred limited but important reforms of…

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homeless teenager sleeping on the street

Q: Why are High Risk Teens Living in an Ambulance Bay? A: Annie E. Casey Foundation

Q: Why are High Risk Teens Living in an Ambulance Bay? A: Annie E. Casey Foundation 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

This Star Tribune story documents that 145 teens who are dangerous to themselves or others…

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boy sitting on floor in house

Do Social Workers Confuse Poverty with Neglect?

Do Social Workers Confuse Poverty with Neglect? 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Research cited in this Child Welfare Monitor article indicates that most poor parents do not…

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child sitting alone in the dark

Repeating Myths Until they Become Facts

Repeating Myths Until they Become Facts 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

This week we interviewed Child Welfare Monitor blogger Marie Cohen for a combined webinar/podcast. The…

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group of children looking at camera

Should Politics or Research Drive Child Welfare Reforms?

Should Politics or Research Drive Child Welfare Reforms? 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

This Child Welfare Monitor article summarizes a paper by Richard Barth et. al. analyzing “10…

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