Department of Human Services (DHS)

Minnesota state capitol building

Minnesota Legislature Should Negotiate Tougher with Department of Human Services

Minnesota Legislature Should Negotiate Tougher with Department of Human Services 750 421 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

The Minnesota Legislative Task Force on Child Protection was convened to make sure recommendations from…

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Where Are New Child Protection Funds Going?

Where Are New Child Protection Funds Going? 2560 1707 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

In a recent ebrief we noted that Minnesota’s child welfare expenditures went up 74% since…

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Minnesota state capitol

Give the State More Authority

Give the State More Authority 2560 1920 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

As described last week, there are three main reasons the recent “house of horrors” case happened.…

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Three Reasons Minnesota Tolerates Child Deaths

Three Reasons Minnesota Tolerates Child Deaths 2560 1707 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Whenever stories happen like the “house of horrors” and the former Minnesota children who were driven to their…

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Child Welfare Training Academy – Key Resource

Child Welfare Training Academy – Key Resource 2560 1707 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Last week the U of M’s Center for the Advanced Study of Child Welfare presented…

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Who’s Minding the Store?

Who’s Minding the Store? 591 394 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Recently the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) has exerted more leadership in child protection…

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By the Numbers

By the Numbers 639 480 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) just released its 2016 Child Maltreatment Report. This information…

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Transparency Needed on Child Killings

Transparency Needed on Child Killings 2560 1544 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Minnesota law* requires counties to review killings of children known to child protection within 90 days,…

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Still Waiting for Basic Information

Still Waiting for Basic Information 2560 1696 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

In 2015 the Governor’s Child Protection Task Force raised concerns that Minnesota counties only screened…

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Class Action Lawsuit Jolt to System

Class Action Lawsuit Jolt to System 1000 489 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Yesterday advocates from A Better Childhood (ABC) filed a class action lawsuit alleging that Hennepin County…

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