
A picture of an empty swingset

Lawsuits Target Direct Service Workers in Child Deaths

Lawsuits Target Direct Service Workers in Child Deaths 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Most legal actions around child fatalities are against a county or nonprofit.  But recent lawsuits…

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An image showing a foster family with a mother, a father, and two sons

Passage of Foster Care Bill Promotes Equity

Passage of Foster Care Bill Promotes Equity 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

A foster care licensing bill HF1287/SF1558 was approved by all the necessary House and Senate…

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A small child sitting on the floor looking sad and sitting in an adult's shadow

Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Speak Out

Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Speak Out 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Two adult survivors of child abuse shared their stories during our webinar last week.  Here…

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