
family walking away in forest

Should We Love All Children or Just our Own?

Should We Love All Children or Just our Own? 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Our soon-to-be-released study of child fatalities documents numerous physical assaults on children that caseworkers, law…

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girl looking at camera

Progressives and Conservatives Converge on Anti-Child Welfare Agenda

Progressives and Conservatives Converge on Anti-Child Welfare Agenda 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

On the political left, the UpEND movement wants to abolish child welfare.  This includes letting…

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child sitting alone in the dark

Repeating Myths Until they Become Facts

Repeating Myths Until they Become Facts 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

This week we interviewed Child Welfare Monitor blogger Marie Cohen for a combined webinar/podcast. The…

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group of kids taking a selfie

Public Policy Goals Should be Decided Democratically

Public Policy Goals Should be Decided Democratically 1200 867 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

In 2011 Casey Family Programs unilaterally established a national goal to safely reduce the number…

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