
Register Now: October 8 Legislative Breakfast and Fundraiser

Register Now: October 8 Legislative Breakfast and Fundraiser 1280 855 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

“It takes a Team: Strengthening Minnesota’s Child Protection System” According to the latest data from…

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October 8 Legislative Breakfast and Fundraiser

October 8 Legislative Breakfast and Fundraiser 1494 962 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

This past week, Safe Passage for Children met with two legislators who are interested in…

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31 Children Were Killed in MN in 2022

31 Children Were Killed in MN in 2022 620 465 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Just released is Minnesota’s Child Maltreatment Report, summarizing data from 2022. Safe Passage continues to…

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Which Policies will Leave Kids Safer Tomorrow?

Which Policies will Leave Kids Safer Tomorrow? 1280 853 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Since the beginning of the year, the safety of at least 30,000 children across Minnesota…

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Volunteers Advocating for Children in Court

Volunteers Advocating for Children in Court 1280 853 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

As recently as last winter, Minnesota’s once-vigorous volunteer Guardian ad Litem (GAL) program seemed in…

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Protecting Children from Parental Substance Abuse

Protecting Children from Parental Substance Abuse 1280 853 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Last week the Star Tribune published an article highlighting the devastating effects of children who…

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Decriminalizing Drug Use in Pregnancy

Decriminalizing Drug Use in Pregnancy 1280 853 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Last month Hennepin County announced that it would no longer charge women who abuse drugs during…

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Parental substance abuse puts kids at risk: Star Tribune notes pregnancy and birth can be key moments for intervention

Parental substance abuse puts kids at risk: Star Tribune notes pregnancy and birth can be key moments for intervention 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Fact: Parental Substance Abuse Puts Kids at Risk  Drug and alcohol use is a major…

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baby in womb

How Does Prenatal Opioid Use Impact Infants?

How Does Prenatal Opioid Use Impact Infants? 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

This new study on prenatal opioid use found a 54%-64% increase in mortality for infants…

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