Thankful for Frontline Professionals in the Child Welfare System

Thankful for Frontline Professionals in the Child Welfare System 612 408 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Happy Thanksgiving!

On this holiday, we want to express our gratitude to all the frontline professionals who advocate for children at risk.

Mandated Reporters who alert Child Protection about children they have reason to believe are being abused.

Child Protection workers who investigate possible abuse and make recommendations to support the family and ensure child safety.

Law Enforcement who are involved in crisis situations where there is immediate risk to the child.

Medical staff who evaluate injuries and determine medical needs.

Mental health professionals who support children and family who have experienced trauma and/or have other  mental health challenges.

Guardians-ad-Litem who advocate for the child in legal proceedings.

The Court system, which makes difficult decisions about the best interest of the child

and many others….

It takes a team to protect children!

Our work for vulnerable children is possible
through support from readers & listeners like you. Thank you.
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