We’re Meeting with Legislators – So Can You!

We’re Meeting with Legislators – So Can You! 1280 853 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

In addition to attending the Legislative Task Force on Child Protection last week, we met with two legislators: Rep. Carlie Kotyza-Witthuhn (DFL – Eden Prairie) and Rep. Nolan West (R- Blaine).

We shared our legislative priorities with both of them and they were surprised to hear about the lack of training provided to mandated reporters on recognizing signs of abuse and neglect.

Overhauling the state’s online training program for mandated reporters is our top priority in 2025. Why is this so important?

Mandated reporters make the vast majority of reports of maltreatment to local agencies. Due to their roles in education, health care and other public service, they play a critical role in recognizing children who may be maltreated in some way.

Over the past four weeks, these are just a few cases that have made headlines.

In each case, children were removed from harm because someone contacted authorities or the county. Mandated reporters are crucial to the safety and wellbeing of children. They should receive ample training on how to recognize signs of abuse and neglect. That isn’t happening right now.

The legislative session started this week and we can’t wait to talk to more legislators. We invite you to join us for our Advocacy Day at the Capitol on Monday, April 7. Together, we can advocate for changes that increase child safety and decrease mortality.

Our work for vulnerable children is possible
through support from readers & listeners like you. Thank you.
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