What Difference Do We Make?

What Difference Do We Make? 2560 1707 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

Foundation officers have told us “We love your program, but it won’t help our metrics.”

Foundations are rightly concerned about being accountable to their communities, hence their emphasis on countable outcomes, such as number of people housed, clothed, or fed.  By comparison, they find our results harder to measure.

They aren’t alone.  Our stakeholders have sometimes pondered this same issue.

We believe advocacy results are measurable, and that we can demonstrate how children’s lives are improved by our accomplishments.  These include legislation that is prompting counties to respond to over 10,000 more child maltreatment reports annually, and policy improvements resulting from data we uniquely provided to legislators.

A key 2018 Safe Passage goal is giving our stakeholders the information they need to see that we are making a measurable difference.

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