Where Child Welfare Can Address Injustices and Racism

Where Child Welfare Can Address Injustices and Racism 750 500 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

As described last week, attempts to address racism and injustices in the child welfare system by arbitrarily limiting access to child protection and foster care services will condemn some children to life-limiting trauma for prolonged periods.

Professionals and supporters can however confront systemic child welfare failings with improved training and quality review programs, and by persistently calling public attention to the debilitating impact that inequities in housing, education and employment have on families.

Also, good casework can help mitigate past injustices to parents by for example recognizing and addressing the historical trauma they experienced, insisting on quality services for them, and supporting the parent-child bond wherever possible.

And child welfare can help reduce future inequities by expanding its historical mission to include prevention and early intervention services.

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