Why Our Webinar Series on COVID Matters

Why Our Webinar Series on COVID Matters 871 579 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

This Wednesday Marie Cohen delivered the first in our three-part webinar series on child protection and COVID-19.  See the presentation here.  She described other states’ initiatives to identify child maltreatment victims who aren’t being reported during the pandemic because mandated reporters aren’t seeing them.

Upcoming webinars (see below) feature additional experts who will explore this issue further.

The approaches they are discovering can protect children sooner and potentially keep families intact by offering more timely help.

These webinars can be a roadmap for improved practices during the pandemic and beyond.  Unfortunately, the innovations they describe are unlikely to be widely implemented because, for whatever reason, broad uptake of research findings and proven innovations has never been part of child welfare’s DNA.

Our job, together, is to promote best practices with determination and tenacity until replicating them becomes routine.

Join our webinar series on the impact of COVID-19 on victims of child abuse and neglect, sponsored by MVP Marketing + Design, a full-service digital agency. 

Wednesday September 30, 2:30 – 3:45 PM: Marie Cohen, creator of the blog Child Welfare Monitor, shared her survey of creative approaches being used by states to identify hidden victims of child maltreatment.  Recording and presentation here.

Wednesday October 14th, 2:30 – 4:00 PM.  Andrew Campbell, noted family violence expert, will discuss the impact of COVID-19 on child maltreatment and original ideas for addressing it. Register Here.

Wednesday November 11, 2:30 – 3:45 PM.  Victor Vieth from the Zero Abuse Project will present 25 Tips to Overcome Child Safety Risks caused by the coronavirus. Registration will open on Thursday October 15th.

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