This new study on prenatal opioid use found a 54%-64% increase in mortality for infants whose mothers used opioids during pregnancy. This supplements our recent blog and podcast regarding prenatal Substance Use Disorder (SUD), and the upcoming state task force on this issue.
Supporters of reduced child protection involvement with prenatal drug users stress that existing research has gaps, and sometimes gets conflicting results regarding the impact of substance use during pregnancy. True enough. But that’s not the same as saying there’s nothing to worry about. Findings overall lean towards attributing developmental damage to SUD, which in this research includes postnatal fatalities.
This debate usually centers on whether to emphasize accountability or support for pregnant women using drugs. But focusing on the child instead yields a different question: what blend of approaches will minimize developmental damage and fatalities?
Error on the side of safty. Intervention and guidance. These children deserve healthy development. Sadly if there parents die, often times there is no one to care for them. If they have a disability it is even harder to find a care giver. Believe me I speak from experience.