Physical Punishment Widely Supported Despite Research on Ill Effects

Physical Punishment Widely Supported Despite Research on Ill Effects 940 788 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota
Woman spanking a young boy

Prevent Child Abuse America just released this survey documenting widespread support for physical punishment of children.  This refers to practices such as spanking that aren’t considered child abuse because they don’t cause an injury.

Why is this practice common despite solid research correlating physical punishment with poor adult outcomes such as drug addiction and mental health problems?  First, let’s be honest, it’s because parenting can be trying.  Responses indicated that even parents who don’t believe in physical punishment sometimes spank their children. It’s also because 59% of respondents prioritize parents’ rights in this matter, and 45% believe that spanking is necessary to instill moral behavior in children.

Given these community norms, perhaps legislation isn’t a realistic strategy for reducing physical punishment of children.  Instead we should educate the public about its long-term ill effects, and promote alternative methods of discipline.

Listen to this e-brief as well as in-depth commentary on our podcast.

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It is interesting to me that when over the knee spankings were a common accurance wh n I was growing up, there was a whole lot less kids doing drugs and disrespect, laziness, motivation less teenagers, honesty, dependability, true to one’s word, care about proper hygiene and dress. That all sounds good. Then when all the “educated people in are Universities decided to put the word out as to how cruel and bad spanking can become on a growing child psychologically, all the bad things that it can do. Plus work to get laws passed that ANY ONE who strikes a child would be a criminal act. Well all you do getters have been getting your way. As you can see a lot of parents have bought into your lopsided thinking and have followed your way of thinking. The parents are thinking “ they must be right. Those people are educated! They are smart people. This stuff is their field of expertise!
You know what?! The scriptures says that, when man thinks himself wise, he becomes a fool. Please look at what we have now?!
Drug and alcohol among teenagers is out the roof! Don’t forget suicide among teens continues to grow. Families are torn asunder, children doing whatever feels good in their OWN EYES! The entertainment world compounding their garbage to feed the the young and inexperienced youth about what is right and what is wrong. WAKE UP AMERICA! It is great to have freedom and be a free thinker and to taste the things of life, but without proper guidance from the parents to start with, and that includes proper disiplining, which can mean the use of spanking to get the point across, not always but when necessary, you save a child from self destruction trying to follow the world and the forbidden fruit that awaits them. Fruit that is SO appealing but has the bite of the serpent.Ask Adam and Eve! Oh, I know you can’t! Why? they are dead! Why? Because they ate of the forbidden fruit that God told them not to. They then were no longer perfect, but brought sin and death upon the earth. Oh yes! Because of their disobedience, even the animals, plants, fish, birds and etc suffer and die on this earth!
There are many of us humans that recieved plenty of spankings growing up and we turned out fine upright citizens that have been productive and useful citizens to our nation.

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