TAKE ACTION for Children: Contact your Members of Congress Today

TAKE ACTION for Children: Contact your Members of Congress Today 1000 519 Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota

The Protect Our Children Act of 2008 was intended to curb photos and videos of child sexual assaults posted on the internet.  The number of reported images increased from 100,000 in 2008 to 45 million last year.

But the New York Times reports that Congress appropriated only half of the budget authorized for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to do this work, while DOJ downgraded the senior level position assigned to direct it.

Meanwhile, 30,000 pedophiles produced photos and videos of themselves assaulting children in order to gain membership in a “community” of predators that tutors them in how to avoid detection.

Please call or email your members of Congress TODAY and ask them to fully fund this bill, and require DOJ to appoint a high-ranking manager to enforce this law.

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